
Entofood pioneer in the insect for feed industry since 2010

Entofood BSF R&D centre

Entofood and Veolia  formed a partnership

Entofood granted with bionexus label

R&D in Madagascar








Entofood breeding centre

Entofood is finalist of Fish 2.0 competition

Entofood company

incorporated in Malaysia

From R&D Pilot to Partnership with VEOLIA


In 2010 Frédéric Viala was wondering about future stakes of food security and exploring sustainable solutions envisioned exploring insect as feed. This vision translated in the construction of a research centre in Madagascar with Franck Ducharne. During that early phase, different insect species collected from the wild were studied to fine-tune their strategy for insect for feed.

Black Soldier Fly was selected as a best option to take up this challenge. With limited available academic/industrial know-how at this time, technology and Standard of Procedure were developed internally; biology, zootechny and transformation.

In 2012, they moved to Malaysia and decided to build Entofood pilot and started to carried out in depth research program.


In 2013, Entofood received Bionexus status from Biotech Corp.


In 2015, Entofood was a finalist at Fish 2.0 competition in Standford USA.


Fish 2.0 is a global community that brings innovators and investors together to grow the sustainable seafood sector.

In 2017, Entofood and Veolia formed a partnership to develop bioconversion through Black Soldier Fly biotechnology.

Entofood has conceived the production lines (processing of organic side-stream, grow-out facility, harvesting and processing of finished products) and works with Veolia for the scale up and industrialisation.


In 2019, Entofood starts its breeding centre dedicated to produce eggs for VEOLIA BIOCONVERSION MALAYSIA production.


Since 2021, hand in hand with Veolia, Entofood runs the BSF R&D centre for industrial application biology, technique and equipment

Involved locally and globally, Entofood is amongst the pioneer of insects as feed. The company was a founding member of the Asian Food and Feed Insects Association bringing together players in the insect value chain, all over Asia.


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